Monday, July 28, 2014

My Thoughts on the Gaza Conflict of 2014

July 20, 2014

My Thoughts on the Gaza Conflict of 2014

            Before I begin on writing down the diatribe of information on this broad and opinionated topic that is stuck inside my head, I’ll give you some background information on myself and why I feel the need to document my thoughts on the conflict that is currently taking place in the Middle East. My name is Sarah Benaim and I was born in Houston, Texas. My father is not originally from Houston, or even the United States for that matter. My family on my father’s side, which includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins live half way across the world in the country of Israel. Most of my family resides in the Haifa area, which lies towards the Northern part of the country, so thankfully they have been out of the range of fire and off of the battle grounds that are becoming the streets of Gaza and even the main country Israel. I, as a social media user and a watcher of international news, have seen some atrocious accusations pointed at Israel for being too harsh on the counterattacks at the terrorist organization Hamas that have been taking place the past few weeks. I want to make it known that Israel has every right to defend itself against the attacks on their country and that though many people in this world may disagree, they are doing what is necessary to instill a calm environment for their citizens, no matter what it takes.
            The most recent conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza was sparked on June 12, 2014 when three Israeli teenaged boys were kidnapped (allegedly) by the terrorist organization Hamas. The three boys were found dead on June 30, 2014. Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that the killings would not be taken lightly and that there would be consequences for the actions to those who killed these young men. After these statements were released, air strikes began coming towards the Israeli mainland from the Gaza strip. In the past few weeks, the number of missiles that have been fired into Israel have reached over 1,000, but by the grace of God and modern Iron Dome technology, none of the missiles have done major damage to Israeli citizens or the overall infrastructure.
            With this in mind, the death toll on the Israeli side is up to 20, and on the Palestinian side, it has toppled the 400 mark.
            I want to begin to refute and offer other information in response to some news networks that are only looking at this situation from the side of the Palestinians and who are releasing footage of Arab women “escaping their homes” with their children in their arms. I want to begin by saying some of these women are very clean for seemingly escaping through trashed and debris filled homes and streets. I want to inform citizens of other countries all over the world that Israel is not blatantly killing these civilians. Before a bomb is dropped, Israel has been phoning the citizens to inform them that they are about to be attacked, and it his Hamas that is telling them not to evacuate. Also, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been firing something like a warning bomb before the actual one comes. The warning bomb may break through the roof of a house or building, but won’t actually explode. It’s the real exploding bomb that comes next that will actually cause the damage. And many of those casualties were of people refusing to listen to the Israeli warning to evacuate and choosing to listen to Hamas telling them to stay put.
What is so irking about the whole situation is that Israel knows the location from where each missile is being fired from. So as soon as a missile is fired, less than one minute later the school/business/house that it was deployed from, it will be destroyed by the IDF. This is not what’s irking. It’s that Hamas has set up these houses, businesses and schools to be targets for the Israeli counterattacks. They know the force at which Israel will retaliate, and yet they are still more than willing for their citizens to be killed. And the citizens, brainwashed by Hamas, would rather die it seems than to evacuate.
Overall, it’s pretty sad that the population of the Gaza strip has allowed themselves to be run by and taken over by a terrorist organization as cruel and uncaring as Hamas is.
Even more, it’s sad that the innocent people residing in Gaza have been killed because they allowed themselves to be under the control of Hamas.

And above all, it’s ironic that the rest of the world is so quick to judge Israel for taking necessary action to neutralize their enemies in an “inhumane” manner. But, ask this, if Mexico just started shooting rockets into the southern border of the United States after kidnapping and killing three American citizens, and the United States responded in the way that Israel is currently responding to their own enemies, would the rest of the world judge the United States’ actions?

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